
last night, i decided that some retail therapy was in order. i’d been putting off clothes shopping for months in hopes of more dramatic body shrinkage, but if i’m to listen to Stacey and Clinton of What Not to Wear i should dress the body i have now, not the body i want in three months. so, i did. i found three pairs of pants (plain black jeans, cool tinted jeans and SUPERAWESOME stripey pants — i can’t wait until they’re shortened so i can wear them) and a new pair of shoes (black, leather, comfy pseudo-mary janes). i’m not sure why, but i always seem to find either lots of tops and no bottoms or lots of bottoms and no tops.
i tried to stop by another store on the way home, but it was closed. i hope to hit it today after work, along with a department store or two in hopes of finding new bras. god, i hate bra-shopping; but, with the current state of my boob-holders, i can’t afford to wait any longer (i actually have a mark from where the broken underwire in one continuously pokes my dug. ow.).
what i’m really looking for, and probably will never find, is a new jacket. something nice. not too dressy, not too casual. not too heavy, not too flimsy. something a little funky, but still wearable in any situation. something around a 3/4 length car coat, with pockets, but not too many embellishments. the problem i have with buying most anything one-piece-like is my top is smaller than my hugemongous butt. so if it fits my upper torso, it doesn’t fit the bottom and if it fits the bottom, it’s all baggy and saggy up top. i realize that i could probably find something and then have it altered, but i don’t know just how much altering can be done to a garment to fit my crazy pear shape.
oh, to be rich enough to afford a personal tailor!

6 Thoughts on “let’s pretend we’re in antarctica

  1. I’ll be interested to see if we both bought the same shoes. I should take a photo, they’re very nice.
    I understand your pain about the jacket shopping. I’m not getting far with mine.
    Though I don’t really understand your pain about bra shopping, since my boob-holders don’t have underwire. My bras don’t need flying buttresses, there’s not much to hold up.

  2. the hotness on March 22, 2006 at 09:45 said:

    i like underwire bras because they make my dugs look rounder and perkier.

  3. the hotness on March 22, 2006 at 10:15 said:

    oh, and the right one can actually make me look like i have decent cleavage.

  4. wtf is a dug? I mean, I figured it out from context, but is that some weird canadian term for breasts, or have I just been living under a rock never hearing it? Jugs, I’ve heard.. Hmm, is a dug a d-cup jug??
    And… I am having major deja vu looking at that picture. Is it an older one you used before, or am I losing it?

  5. heather on March 23, 2006 at 06:21 said:

    dug = boob. it’s a synonym my girlfriends found in a book in highschool and it’s just stuck in my head since.
    oh, and you’re losing it. it’s a brand new photo. =)

  6. I actually thought that this was going to be about Antarctica.

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