i’m the worst email replier in the world and i’ve decided i’m going to stop apologizing for it. instead, i’m going to alter my .sig to say:
“if you do not receive a timely reply to an email you have sent me, do not be offended — i’m that rude to everyone. if you want more information, you should be prepared to hound me a little.”
hm, that’s a little wordy. any suggestions on a shorter, pithier version?
from my long weekend:
– severe drunkeness results in girls kissing girls
– ‘of montreal’ is awesome live
– christopher is a sore monopoly loser
– teenagers aren’t so bad to hang out with
– drunken boyfriends babble at 2am
– laziness won out, the PNE will have to wait until next year
– i’m such a tease

5 Thoughts on “meh, tuesday.

  1. How about “I don’t like e-mail. Don’t you have a phone?”
    Chris really is an incredibly sore loser. *rubs bruised eye*

  2. How about “piss off”?
    Also, your first long-weekend note is going to result in about 1,000,000,000 new google hits. Just so you know.

  3. heather on September 5, 2006 at 12:09 said:

    it’s not that i don’t WANT to reply, but sometimes the perceived burden of sitting down to compose one is too onerous for me to even begin to comtemplate. especially if it’s something which needs weighty attention.
    i should just change my .sig to “i suck”.

  4. Change your .sig to “severe drunkeness results in girls kissing girls” and you can distract them from expecting a reply.
    Actually, a shorter version would be, “Your email isn’t invisible; I’m just procrastinating. Feel free to follow up.”

  5. I TOTALLY understand about the email thing. I suck at it!

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