my head’s a jumble of thoughts today.
i’m suddenly overcome with STUFF. i want to give/sell/throw everything i own away and start over from scratch, being more particular and precise with what i bring into my home and life. i routinely get this urge, but right now, it’s entirely overwhelming. i really would just chuck it all and start fresh if i had the resources to do so. suffocating. that’s the sensation. it’s all just too much for me to handle right now.
me, the cats and some scrunched up pieces of paper is all we need, right?
so, if i start posting tweets about all the crap i want to sell, don’t be surprised. especially if it’s craft or seasonal stuff. you know, the shit which lives in boxes and never sees the light of day? oh, yeah. and all that bento box crap i bought and never used.
i got myself almost a full night’s sleep for the first time since bringing the kittens home. i didn’t wake up for anything until almost 4 a.m.! i don’t know if they were super-quiet or i just slept through all their antics, but i really needed the rest.
the time change is fucking with me so hard this year. well, i shouldn’t really blame the time change. i’m blaming the short amount of daylight. i get up, and it’s dark. i go to work, and it’s dark. i come home, and it’s dark. i go to bed, and it’s dark. i get home from work between 4:30 and 5:00; but, it feels like it’s 8 or 9 o’clock because it’s so damn dark out! even with every light in my apartment on, i have such a hard time accomplishing anything at home because it feels as if it’s almost bedtime and i should be winding down instead of doing something/anything. the irony is, all this dark is somehow making every day feel so much longer than it should, but i still can’t seem to get stuff done!
i can’t wait for spring.
oh, yeah. the cats found the toilet paper yesterday. luckily, they just pulled it all off the roll and didn’t do too much shredding of it. i certainly hope it doesn’t become a habit. that stuff’s not cheap!
i might have to go out at lunch. there’s actual daylight out there today. who knows when we’ll get to see it again.

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