i've got his back.

i left my apartment exactly once after arriving home friday night. how awesome is that? i wouldn’t even have done that if jen & christopher hadn’t gone dessert shopping on their way over saturday afternoon and phoned begging for a ride from lonsdale quay.
yeah, yeah. hermit. recluse. lazy. whatever. i needed some serious home-time and i got it. i feel a lot better for it, too. and, i spent most of it with my awesome boyfriend, which made it all the better. for most of yesterday he played zelda while i puttered about cooking food for the week, surfing online and bagging up the clothes i purged from the closet while breaking in my new boots. it was a wholly domestic day. yay domesticity!
the schedule this week is light, but good: of montreal on wednesday (which is sold out, but you can still get tickets for thursday’s show!) and a tribute dinner for christopher’s father on friday. oh, and i absolutely have to watch the Grammys on sunday night to see The Police play together for the first time in 20 years. of course, i also have two sushi lunches booked at the end of the week.
maybe i should just turn this into a sushi blog and get it over with.

One Thought on “on schedules and sushi

  1. mmm…sushi blog.

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