on my way home from work, i was convinced i’d be up all night trying to get all my cinderella chores done. i hadn’t done laundry or dishes since last week, so things were a little too grubby (but not too bad since i was away for the weekend visiting my mom) to have people over for the ANTM finale tonight. surprisingly, i had both big loads of laundry done, monday’s huge pile of dishes washed, the floors dusted, the bathroom cleaned and dinner eaten all before 7pm. so, just because i could, i spent the rest of the night catching up on tv i’d missed and trying to hit 1000 points (the pro level) in Wii bowling. i love my Wii.
i’m not enjoying being cut off from the internet during my workdays. it’s hard for me to not to have the answer to any question available to me at a moment’s notice, the abilty to get a map to somewhere i want to go, or something as trivial as looking up a phone number. it’s made worse because i don’t want to spend all night sitting in front of the computer to “catch up” on what i’d missed. not only because there are other things to do (like clean or make out with my hot boyfriend), but my chair sucks and i’m already in front of a computer all day, why would i voluntarily spend more time there (don’t worry, i recognize the irony seeing as that’s all i did for many, many years). it’s been almost two months, now. you’d think i’d be over it, but the more time goes by, the more it annoys me. i miss you, internet!
there’s a long weekend looming and, for me, it’s four days long! i don’t have a lot planned, which i usually prefer. there is the biggest social event of the season (aka mel & chris’ wedding) on sunday (for which i still need to figure out what i’m wearing — ack!), otherwise i have nothing on my plate except some chores i never have time for in a normal week and a whole lot of tv i want to catch up on (i’m four weeks behind three different shows). i’m hoping it proves to be lovely and lazy because after this little break, i’ll be going pedal to the metal for the three weeks leading up to my HUGE VACATION in june (which is starting to shape up into something lovely, let me say).

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