i’m thinking that my site needs a “hook”. what can it be? i don’t draw. i’d photograph, but i don’t have a camera. i don’t like the idea of this becoming too linky. i want it to be more about me than what i see online (besides, most of what i see online isn’t worth the href). starting some sort of submission forum would be intriguing, but i’d feel like i was stealing billy’s lifeshots, unless i could think of something different to collect stories about. then i thought about posting my crappy poetry. who knows!
while i mull that over, i’m going to try to stop myself from typing two spaces after a period. it seems that some time between tenth grade typing class and now, it has become passe and actually typographically incorrect. if you know me at all, you know how i hate to be typographically incorrect. so, we’ll see how that goes. this could be harder than quitting heroin.

12 Thoughts on “poetry

  1. Goddess on February 13, 2001 at 10:30 said:

    You’re not supposed to put two spaces after a period anymore? Where have I been?!?!

  2. i had no idea that it had become typographically incorrect. i had noticed a LOT of folks doing it, but i was just letting it piss me off. where does it say not to do that anymore? time to do some research! (didn’t feel like working, anyway…)

  3. Goddess on February 13, 2001 at 11:33 said:

    Poetry would be good.

  4. Wow, there was my new fact for the day! I have to admit, I even had a few moments of doubt and sure enough, even good old Webster’s says it’s out of date to double space! Egads. I don’t know if I can move beyond that!! But here’s a nice explanation anyhow: http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/period.htm

  5. it’s out of date unless you still use a typewriter. computers seems to make up for the difference. it is hard to quit…

  6. heather on February 13, 2001 at 13:34 said:

    i can’t believe you doubted me! *sniffle*

  7. maybe you should consider quiting cocaine too…. might cure that *sniffle* you got there….

  8. heather on February 13, 2001 at 14:55 said:

    dammit, let me have at least one vice!

  9. shit.

  10. Goddess on February 14, 2001 at 04:48 said:

    Fuck it!!! I’m going to double space and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from doing it!!!!

  11. oh yeah? well i’m going to type *3* spaces after periods. how’s that for annoying?

  12. (the shorter) Heather on February 14, 2001 at 18:04 said:

    Maybe I’ll just start stringing all my sentences together with ellipses…Elipses with no spaces in them or after them…Then I’ll really look like a cool internet user…At least once I can get myself to type u for you and r for are and the like…eh?…

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