

last week? last week was rough.
between still being beleaguered by the horrible, horrible plague i think i got from all that French kiss-kissing i did at a show opening, the utter lack of quality sleep, the screaming from my neighbour’s apartment, work taking my soul out back and kicking the shit out of it and stealing its milk money by the time Friday rolled around, i was completely out of sorts.
i was so anxious about rising gasoline prices, the rice rationing in American Costco’s and the utter inability to hear anything but bad news about the planet and its inhabitants that there was nothing for me to do but become overwhelmed and curl up in a ball and whimper.
to top it all off, i missed getting my polaroid photos in the ‘roid week pool on flickr by 5 hours because i was too upset to figure out that re-hooking up my scanner wasn’t any big deal at all. le sigh.
Christopher braved my ridiculous moodiness long enough to watch some tv and eat utterly horrible pizza and then leave me to hopefully get some sound slumber.
Saturday morning, sometime around 8 o’clock, the screaming from across the hall started again. this time, it was beyond anything i’d heard before. it was shrill and manic. as i was trying to figure out if i should call 911 or just the non-emergency police phone number, i heard a knock at their door and my upstairs neighbour asking if everyone was all right. about fifteen minutes later, more knocking, this time followed by very officious voices asking what was going on. boy… that sure was a great way to start my day!
luckily, i put the rest of it to good use getting my space all cleaned, tidied and sorted. laundry was done and there was even a little tv-watching. a super-hot shower followed by an afternoon out in Kerrisdale with Christopher and the best sushi in the world and i was right as rain by Saturday evening which was perfect timing because i had plans to head downtown to have drinks with people from high school i hadn’t seen in 8 to 18 years.
the micro-reunion (it was too small to even be called mini) was nice, but as everyone else there has been in a lot more contact with each other in the intervening years, i felt just like i did in school: friendly, but not really connected to anyone. i kept feeling like they all knew so much more about each other’s lives while i was just kind of… there. i’m glad i went, but i think i had expectations of a greater feeling of shared history, especially with two of the attendees. unfortunately, it just wasn’t there. i’m not quite upset about that, but it does leave me feeling a little like a small piece of my personal history has faded away.
ugh. i just realized that i hadn’t seen the majority of those individuals when i was HALF my current age. wow. now that’ll make you feel old. sheesh.
anyway, i’ve got to go visit Mr. Physio to pick up my prescription orthotics. i’m hoping they’re going to be the miracle cure for all my aches and pains. once i get them, then i can start looking for new sport shoes. i have it in my head that Nike Free 5.0’s are what, in combination with the orthotics, are going to make me walk and run and work out like a whole new person. heh. i’m such a sucker.

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