
too much to say. not enough to say. nothing seems really interesting enough to bother with. people are good. good people are better. photowalking with my posse shuts off my inhibitions. sometimes i think i might be getting better with the photgraphy stuff. othertimes i wonder why i even bother.
oh, i had totally forgotten and just yesterday discovered that i have both monday and tuesday off work next week. i’m so thrilled. a whole extra day of sleeping in and naps!

3 Thoughts on “scrunchy & stretch

  1. Photowalking with you is always fun. If you have any inhibitions in that area, you sure don’t let them show. As always, your photos are an inspiration (yeah, I said it…and what’s more it’s true!)

  2. Wow, I’ve forgotten plenty of things in my lifetime, but never a whole day off!
    There WAS the time I forgot to wear any… um… nevermind.

  3. At times, I have been told that touching my hair makes people forget many things.

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