
just a quick long-weekend update. there was sleeping, eating, drinking, dvd & west wing watching, new cell phone buying, house cleaning, book reading, heat hating, cool loving, cute being, phone talking, WoW playing (more on this later) and dinner guest inviting.
this morning, i’m going to have breakfast with my daddy and then i’m coming home to cook s’more because jamie is coming over for dinner. this is my first ever dinner guest. i mean, i’ve had people over and when we got hungry we ate dinner, but i’ve never INVITED anyone over specifically to eat an evening meal of something i prepared. i’m totally stressed out.
in less joyful news, my uncle passed away yesterday. while my family isn’t close, geographically or emotionally, i have always felt a very strong bond with all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. they’re my family. being an only child has intensified that, i think.
my uncle, whom i saw two summers ago when i went to ontario, finally succumbed to his very long battle with prostate cancer. it’s very sad and it’s also a relief, both for him and my aunt.
i always joke about what a hardass he was. how when i was there the summer i turned 14 he took us all out to sandy beach to go waterskiing. my cousins had been on skiis their entire life, but after three tries to get up on the water while being dragged at 10 knots he said that i only got three chances and never let me attempt waterskiing again. he did let me work in the kitchen of his pizza place. he did have a secret way about him, a knowing smirk, a very dry humour, a huge love for his wife and two sons.
i’ll miss you, uncle frank. i love you very much.


6 Thoughts on “so much, big heart

  1. I’m *so* jealous of Jamie. However, I’m sure he’s a much more amusing dinner guest than myself.
    Sorry to hear about your uncle.

  2. My condolences on the passing of your uncle, Heather.

  3. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  4. *hug*

  5. i, jack. on August 3, 2005 at 01:47 said:

    that’s beautiful heather. bravo.

  6. *hugs*

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