
work is kicking my ass and my car is making expensive-sounding noises, but everything else is going really well. so well, in fact, that i don’t have anything to say. i’m turning into a boring happy person. how strange.

One Thought on “so dull

  1. Maybe you need to spice up your life a bit. Here are a few suggestions…
    Become an erratic, crazy, made-up dance instructor. Get drunk and disorderly often enough to become a weekly feature in the newspaper. Blow something up, and invite tons of people to the apres-blast for a barbeque. Make lewd — yet immensely artistic — sculptures out of cheese. Write and insightful and deeply moving periodical in a made up language, and sell the decryptor for an obscene amount of dosh. Offer to house-sit for people on vacation, and as a coming-home present, bake all of their useful items inside cakes.
    You know… stuff like that. :-)

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