go leafs! go!

i was going to sign up for that nablopomo thing that everyone’s doing, but even the lure of awesome prizes isn’t going to be enough to get me to blog something every day for an entire month. c’mon, people… i have beer to drink and hot sex to have, that’s got to take precedence. it’s all about priorities.
i was halfway done a list for you to read yesterday, but i inadvertantly closed the tab. sorry. it was kind of good, too. in it i mentioned the dog i nearly ran over the other night, that i had my halo on at work (which made all my co-workers snicker for some reason) and how i carved a pumpkin for the first time in well over a decade and it was AWESOME. there was probably more to it, but i have the retention of a three-year-old after a bag of halloween candy. again, sorry.
christopher & i went to The Brick last night to sit on couches and lay on beds. i’d printed out the specs of four sofas i wanted to butt-test. we sat on three of them, but the fourth (which is the one i REALLY wanted to try) is a special order only style. fuckers. sorry, but i’m not going to buy a couch un-tested. that’s just asking for disaster. i guess it doesn’t matter if you only care about what it looks like, but i’m in search of a delicate balance of comfort and attractiveness. *sigh* i may never find a couch.
i do think i found the mattress i want. alas, it’s over $1200. just for the mattress, not even with a boxspring! wtf? when did mattresses get so disgustingly expensive? i’m feeling very lottery lucky this week, so maybe i’ll be able to afford it soon.
phew! i very nearly lost this post-in-progess while looking for a photo to put up top. that was close! i better quit while i’m ahead.
oh, just one more thing… i know it’s november now, but it still felt like early september less than two weeks ago and now my car is covered in frosty stuff in the morning. i’m not adjusting well to this sudden onslaught of cold temperatures. i want more warm, please. i had to put on a scarf and gloves this morning. this is inhumane! someone fast-forward me to spring, please.

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