summer shade

i’ve been a day ahead all week. tuesday felt like wednesday, wednesday felt like thursday and today feels a lot like friday. of course, it’s only because i’m NOT WORKING NEXT WEEK and i’m anxious to start the not working. i think tomorrow will be a very long day, indeed. especially since i can’t seem to get any actual work done and it’s starting to pile up quite significantly.
the upstairs neighbour from hell has been a serious pain in my ass lately. actually, all my neighbours have been pissing me off lately. first it was annoying laughing lady from downstairs a couple weeks ago. last night it was “let’s play norah fucking jones at volume 10 for 150 minutes straight” night at upstairs neighbour’s place.
speaking of upstairs neighour, have i mentioned the dropping of things? well, she is always dropping things from her balcony down onto mine. usually it’s things like potting soil from her plants or water when she overwaters her plants. sometimes it’s been beer bottlecaps or other assorted bits of trash. lately though the items have been getting more interesting. about a month ago, i went out onto the balcony to find half a roasted red pepper sitting on the deck. then there was a cigarette and a pack of matches.
last night, while i was sitting inside watching for love or money and i heard a little *plunk* outside. i peeked out the door to see her addressbook sitting askew on the stairs. if i were nice and friendly and not in the least bit passive-aggressive or vindictive, i would have gone out there, picked it up and then taken it upstairs to her. that would have been the neighbourly thing to do. even later, when she had the norah fucking jones playing far too loudly for far too long, i could have then taken up her addressbook and, at the same time, politely asked her to turn her music down. again, that would have been if i weren’t evil and prone to seek revenge.
instead, her addressbook will sit out there until, say, saturday when i go out to clean the deck before the boy arrives. i will either “accidentally” sweep it over the side, “accidentally” get it wet when i start washing or, and this is a long shot, i will get an attack of conscience and pick it up and take it upstairs to her. then again, this is all barring her actually coming down to ask me for it, which i don’t expect to happen.
oh yes. i love apartment living.

4 Thoughts on “summer lovin’

  1. That sounds almost as fun as my place, where single dad and his two girl-creatures from hell reside directly above my head. How they ride their ride-on toys across the balcony (or the kitchen floor if it’s raining), or how they run up and down their bedroom and make each and every solid wood door in my place rattle like an LA 5.5. Or perhaps, the cougar from elsewhere in the complex, who stands on the ground, and shouts to single dad up on his balcony in a desperate attempt to set up “play dates” between their collective brood. And don’t even get me started on the vortex of sound that is the wall my pillow rests on. Apartment living is fantastic!!!

  2. You should do a photo essay on the things being dropped down… it’d be cool!

  3. the new woman upstairs is either vacuuming or playing ABBA, a band I hate more than any other…argh, so bloody falsely happy…I can only pray for Norah Jones, who I’m not much for anyway.

  4. Miguel on June 27, 2003 at 10:51 said:

    Yup a photo blog like the “Redneeck Neighbour Site” would be fun, that one shut down a few months back.
    I just hate the fact that when I was the upstairs guy I used to make such an effort to avoid making a noise particularly at night… now I’m the downstairs and know my upstairs guy will be doing some construction in 2 weeks time. I’m gonna be a nervous wreck cause I work from home 90% of the time! and for some stupid reason I get all worked up whenever I hear sound from upstairs!!!! Grrrrrr
    Damn u broadband internet and working@home!!!

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