that was pretty darn good weekend. lots of peoples, lots of fun, lots of work done and fun had and food ate. i even finished reading the new Wheel of Time book!
my iPhone lust is fading, thank god. but, i still think i’d be a fool to pass up the crazy deal i was made aware of. i know i’d love it and use it all the freaking time but… a three-year contract? that’s a lot of commitment. i just don’t know if i could handle that. and it’s Telus and everyone knows Telus is the devil, right? mrrf. too much thinking!
ugh, i really shouldn’t post when i’m this sleepy. zzz.

2 Thoughts on “too much fun to document

  1. sorry for the temptation, but if your lust if fading that should make jamie happy :)

  2. I’m happy if Heather’s happy. She should do whatever makes her happy; my point is only that she should be careful that what’s making her happy in one area doesn’t make her miserable in another.

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