they say that one of the real tests of a relationship is when you travel together for the first time. seems christopher and i better study up because we’re leaving for victoria tomorrow!
this’ll be the first time we’ve ever gone away together. we’ll be spending three days & nights in the capitol city and then heading up-island to visit his brother on the way up to parksville to spend a couple nights at my mom’s — oooh… scary (which must be read with a Count Floyd accent).
p.s. i know i’ve been really anti-communicative with people this week, so please consider this my far-sweeping apology. i took my first week of holidays solely for me (you should see how clean my apartment is!) and rejuvinating my mental health. i’m trying very hard not to feel guilty about it, but i know that there were a few phone calls or emails which should have been returned but weren’t. once i get back from this trip, expect to be hounded for audiences with me! i want to party it up!!

3 Thoughts on “week two: a new frontier

  1. Jen on June 24, 2007 at 04:38 said:

    Have a great trip!

  2. I’d love to see a holiday-fresh Hessie when you’re back from the Island. We owe you a visit, too, I believe ;)

  3. uhm like call me! 250.514.2424!!!

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