the good news is that Rose does not have any discernible fracture in her paw. no orthopedic surgery or splints necessary.
the bad news is that it’s just a matter of waiting out the healing process by trying to keep a kitten calm. and give her oral medication for the pain. twice a day. when she’s egged on by her twin sister.
it’s going to be a long couple of weeks.
Rose still won’t weight bear on her right front paw, but she is using it in play (and attacks) as you can see in this video:

she’s hopping around the apartment on three legs, but doesn’t seem worse for wear. i’ve started calling her “hoppy” , “hobble” and “tripod”. but only with the utmost affection, of course. ;)
i can’t tell you the amount of relief that washed over me when i got the phone call telling me she was ready to come home. so happy. Christopher actually made me sit down and relax before he’d let me get in the car to go fetch her.
the vet said that she’s somewhere between 6 and 8 months old based on her size, weight and the length of her teeth. AND she & her sister were on Shaw TV’s The Animal Show tonight according to a text message i got from my co-worker. i’m totally going to see if i can find a copy of the segment on their site (unfortunately, since i switched to Telus TV, i no longer get that channel).
here! i found a screenshot!

my girls are famous! and not just on my website! btw, that’s Amy at the back and Rose up front. yay! celebri-kitties!

One Thought on “what a difference a day makes

  1. Yay Rose! So glad she’s okay!
    Funny story: Hobbs’ full name is Hobble Kazoo because moments before we picked him up to bring him home, he had fallen off a shelf and was limping around on three paws – so we named him Hobble. Um, and Kazoo just sounds funny. :)

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