take a load off, sally

i’m sitting here on the futon, in the mostly dark, with lucy on my lap and survivor on the tv. i came home to a bloody freezing apartment due to two specific occurances: i left windows open and it’s autumn — for real. as a consequence, i’m bundled up in flannel pajama bottoms and my fuzzy orange sweater over the shirt i wore to work today. i even went so far as to crank the oven and leave its door open in hopes of taking the chill out of the air. either i’ve gotten accustomed to the chill or it’s actually warmer. i’m betting on a combination of the two.
so, yeah. i’m feeling pretty chatty. i feel like typing about how i spent five minutes petting the polydactyl neighbour cat this morning. it was very friendly… until i scritched the wrong spot and it attacked. instead of getting mad, i told it i was sorry for getting a sore spot gave more scritches. yes, i am that desperate for kitty love. if i could deal with the thought of all the extra cleaning involved in feline parenthood, i’d totally go back to the maul and get all those kittens christopher & i saw last week.
i was all fired up about the new worksafe initiative being discussed in the lower mainland requiring gas stations to have customers pay before they pump after 11pm to prevent “gas & dash”es and their unintended casulties. such things which impose penalties on the many in order to prevent the actions of the few enrage me. i worry about the dumbing-down of society. i’m convinced that protecting the stupid is the exact wrong way to build responsible people.
driving dad’s car while he’s in europe might be a very, very bad idea. i’m getting far too used to all that power, the comfy seats, the four doors, the cd-player and the general non-awfulness in comparison to my old and falling-apart hessmobile. i feel bad, because i really do love my car, but it’s 14 and a half years old and it’s showing its age. i find myself thinking about how i can somehow convince dad to let me keep his car when he gets home. *sigh*
so, i found this fantastic-looking sofa/loveseat set on sale on craigslist today. they’re a brick-orange colour in a modern, clean design which i’ve always liked. i emailed the seller asking for the dimensions, which was probably a mistake. i came home, got out the measuring tape and realized they’d be PERFECT in my living room. alas, i don’t have an extra $750 lying about for couch-purchasing, let alone any costs of just getting it here. it’s really sad, buying used would be a great way for me to avoid depreciation of buying new… and it’s an ORANGE COUCH for pete’s sake! how often do they come around?
christopher just phoned me for the second time tonight. he’s out with jen & barb and it seems they all drank a lot of beer at The Main. oh, drunken boyfriend phone calls… gotta love them.
speaking of boyfriends, i’ve been encountering a new life experience. previously, i was asked by friends and strangers alike why i was single. now, it seems the question i’m asked with disturbing frequency is a variation of “when is he going to move in?”. uh, excuse me? is this just typical? is this what people ask these days when people have been dating for more than six months? i don’t know about you, but isn’t that a little rash? then again, i’ve known people who got married six weeks after they met and have been together for over ten years. i also know people who’ve been dating for years and still barely sleep over at each other’s place. i guess i’m just not used to being someone for whom ‘moving in’ is even an option.
i scanned the last of my negatives left from june tonight and, if i do say so myself, they’re FANTASTIC. seriously, i haven’t been that happy with a roll in a long time. i’m kicking myself for a couple of reasons: i waited so long to scan it and not using my holga in so long. i do love that camera. i’d almost forgotten how much. looking at the shots, i realized how awesome it is and how i enjoy shooting with it. i’m so thankful to christopher for buying it for me. i’m so very lucky.
okay, the very exciting part of survivor is starting, so i’m going to head off. i think i’ve covered most of the stuff percolating in my noggin. hopefully an empty brain will help me sleep.
sweet dreams!

One Thought on “who knew that was in there?

  1. I was one of those “early mover-inners” and all’s well so far. Then again, previous to that I was one of those “not on your life-ers” for a little over 4 years. It just depend on the people and the relationship.
    And if there’s anything I’ve learned about relationships especially, it’s that one’s personal circumstances and perspectives rarely, if ever, apply to anyone but themselves.

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