6 Thoughts on “wordless wednesday

  1. aww cute kitty

  2. shy me on October 16, 2003 at 07:47 said:

    pretty kitty piccy

  3. Are those penguins on the rock??
    Kitty…sad. :(

  4. fizzgig on October 16, 2003 at 19:59 said:

    Sad? I dunno. If I’m any read of animals, I’d say that cat’s about a whiskers width away from a face shredding neck biting fur flying manglement. Read: Pissed off. While being slightly bored. General tabby persona. Bored, loud MEOW! and then viscious back-legs-digging-for-disembowlment attack.
    Cats are fun.

  5. heather on October 17, 2003 at 08:19 said:

    those are probably herons on that island. ask fizzgig, he’ll probably remember better than i.
    as for walter’s mood, it was more like “please put that stupid camera away. all i want is to hide under this blanket until you go back to wherever you came from and i can stop skulking around in the middle of the night avoiding all you weirdos invading my space.”
    he hates me, but he’s still gorgeous.

  6. Sad was a personal comment on cats, not cats in general, sorry. And, of course, the “used to be mine” comment. *sniff*

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