when i win the lottery and i buy an apartment building for all my friends to live in with me, we will have a communal appliance cupboard. in it will be a food processor, stand mixer, waffle maker, george forman grill, juicer, vita mix (although, i might just put one of those in each kitchen) and all the fancy pans/tins/bowls/single-use items you see in Pampered Chef catalogs and food blogs.
i have a sudden craving for hummous. i have a can of chick peas in the cupboard, a jar of tahini in the fridge and i’m 45 minutes in a 450 degree oven away from having roasted garlic. unfortunately, i have no appliance which can combine these items into hummous. nor does anyone i know who i’d feel comfortable saying “hey, can i borrow/come over to use your food processor?” relatively nearby. hence the need for a communal appliance cupboard.
we could also expand it to include fancy craft tools (button makers, sewing machines, goccos, etc), tools (drills, levels, saws, routers, etc) and even household appliances (dyson vacuums, steam cleaners, etc). just think of all the money and space we’d save!
the catch is, of course, that everyone would have to live in North Van. with my million rescued cats (because, when i win the lottery, i’m going to save all the cats in the world). but at least we’d always have access to everything ever needed. ever.

2 Thoughts on “all together now

  1. Hmm… no blender/food processor? I’d start with a potato masher to combine everything, then once it’s all good and mushy, move to a hand-mixer or just a whisk for breaking it down further and making it a bit more creamy.

  2. In the Middle East, I saw few food processors at the hummous stalls and a lot of mortar and pestles…use some elbow grease!
    And I take it that the waffle maker would be in the communal appliance cupboard so that other people could make you waffles. I know firsthand that you can’t be bothered to make them yourself ;)

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