oh, hey. it’s a new year. well, hi 2011! how’s it going? what’s your favourite movie? when did you lose your virginity? may i get you a canape?
my 2010 seemed to be the year of replacement. i replaced my car, my tv, my pvr, my internet provider, my computer, some furnitures, a friend or two, my operating system and my petlessness. it sounds kind of overwhelming (and expensive), but i managed to pull most of it off with a net savings. well, except for the car (kind of). that’s a little impressive, so i’ll allow myself a pat on the back.
i missed most of the Olympics fun because i was both working and sick. i did get to go to the last Victory Ceremony with my best friend, which made up for everything else.
i got told i was normal by the hematologist, stopped taking rat poison and started eating broccoli again. it was nice to stop being afraid i was going to drop dead any second.
i started going to bootcamp, eating three million cups of veggies a day, lost a few pounds, gained a lot of confidence and bought smaller jeans.
i drove to Kelowna in my new car to visit family, Gill and have adventure going from air conditioned place to air conditioned place.
i went to the symphony in Surrey and cried as they played my favourite piece.
i went to America with my mom and discovered that there’s no point in my going to Las Vegas because the cigarette smoke would probably kill me.
i. got. kittens.
my very best Tyler came to visit me for NYE all the way from America. we’ve been friends for over 15 years. we’ve hung out twice. we need to do that more often; but next time, it’s on his turf!
for 2011, i have one resolution: to keep the promises i make to myself.
it seems small, but it’s actually quite big. i have a bad habit of saying i’m going to do X and never really follow through. it could mean going to the gym or not eating crap or keeping in touch or not letting the shower walls get grungy or spending so much or whatever. i say i’m going to (or not going to, as the case may be) and then i don’t. and, most of the time, the only person who gets hurt or let down by my inability to get it done is me. i get less fit or fatter or broke or lonely or icked out. no one else. so, this year i’m going to try to respect myself a little more and keep the promises i make. to myself.
in addition to that resolution, i have one major goal: pay off my bank loan by my 39th birthday in July.
i’ve done some fiscal finagling and i’m on-track to do just that. what that means is that the only thing i’ll owe is my 0% car loan and i’ll suddenly experience a 10% increase in my disposable income. that’s HUGE! that extra breathing room in my budget will create an incalculable amount of stress-relief. i’ve been paying for my early financial stupidity for way too close to 20 years. it’s high time i slayed that beast and reclaimed a little more control of my money. and self-respect.
here’s to a lot less stress and a lot more fun. 2011, i’m looking at you!

2 Thoughts on “heather vs. the recap

  1. And once you’ve paid off that loan, start putting at least some of that disposable income into a “Get Heather’s Ass To Europe” account. You’ll have no excuses not to do a bit of travelling!

  2. heather on January 5, 2011 at 20:49 said:

    i was going to aim smaller and make a “get heather’s ass to massachusetts” fund to start with. =)

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