1. What color is your toothbrush?
white and… pink? it’ll be different tomorrow. the hygienist will give me a new one when i see her this afternoon.
2. Name one person who made you smile today.
i don’t think anyone made me smile. i probably smiled just because.
3. What were you doing at 8:00am today?
working. well, at work.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
eating lunch & reading a book.
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
kit kat.
6. Have you ever been to a strip club?
nay, but i keep trying to get people to go with me.
7. What is the last thing you said aloud?
“I’m leaving early.”
8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
i like ice cream with stuff in it: mint chip, rocky road, heavenly hash, etc. as long as there’s no peanut butter, any ice cream is good.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
water from my sheep bottle.
10. Do you like your wallet?
i love my wallet. it’s purty.
11. What was the last thing you ate?
a not-quite-ripe royal gala apple. it’s making my tummy feel weird.
12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
no, but i did this month, which is pretty momentous for me.
13. The last sporting event you watched?
a bit of the hockey game on the weekend. on tv, not in person.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
popcorn with butter and salt. anything else on popcorn is blasphemy.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
twitter, but it ate it.
16. Ever go camping?
uh, no.
17. Do you take vitamins daily?
i only ever remember when i’m at work, so 5 out of 7 days.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
19. Do you have a tan?
by the end of september i usually have a fairly respectable trucker tan — that’s the top of my left forearm and the left side of my face.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
that’s tough. they’re both infinitely variable and delectible, but i think i crave pizza more than chinese food.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
only if a restaurant puts a straw in it.
22. What did your last text message say?
i don’t remember and i’m too lazy to get up and check my phone. sorry.
23. What are you doing tomorrow?
24. What sounds are you listening to now?
my boss talking on the phone, someone walking down the hall upstairs and the whirr of the HVAC system.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
my bulletin board, some miscellaneous filing and my sheep bottle.
26. What color is your watch?
i don’t wear a watch.
27. What do you think of when you hear Australia?
28. What is your birthstone?
29 Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
drive through.
31. Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone?
a co-worker.
32. Any plans today?
work for another hour or so then go to get my teeth cleaned, maybe go to the clinic and then, hopefully, finally do the dishes before i land on the couch watching tv and trying, again, to knit something.
33. How many states have you lived in?
none; but, i’ve lived in one province.
34. Biggest annoyance right now?
being cash poor right before vacation.
35. Last song listened to?
oh god… no idea. whatever is on the cd which is in the car stereo right now.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
yes, but you can’t make me.
37. Do you have a maid service clean your house?
38. Favorite pair of shoes you like to wear all the time?
Nike Air Zoom Vomero+ 3. they’re like walking on little trampolines. i wish i could wear cuter shoes, but every time i try, i suffer for a week with foot pain.
39. Are you jealous of anyone?
no one specific, but in general i’m somewhat jealous of people who have less debt and more income than i do just because of the freedom they have which i don’t. yet.
40. Is anyone jealous of you?
i seriously doubt it.
41. Do you love anyone?
42. Do any of your friends have children?
not many of them. i seem to know a lot of DINKs. =)
43. What do you usually do during the day?
go to work. wtf kind of question is that?
44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
hate? no. i’m usually unimpressed with a few at any given time.
45. Do you use the word ‘hello’ daily?
46. What color is your car?
47. Do you like cats?
48. Are you thinking about someone right now?
i’m thinking of Heather because she’s the reason i’m answering this thing.
49. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
nope. i think i had the chance in Chicago, but i ate deep dish pizza instead.
50. How did you get your worst scar?
hm. i don’t think any of my scars could be considered “worst”. i expect the upcoming surgery scars will win that honour.

i think there’s a finite amount of pain a single person can handle before they just… snap.
and i’m feeling pretty snappish today.
the knee borked, then i got the hematoma, then i had that crazy awful migraine, then i wore different shoes and my foot rebelled, then that other thing happened, then there were cramps. it seems like there hasn’t been a day in the last month that i haven’t had some sort of pain zapping my energy and clouding my soul.
i try to sleep, but i wake up two hours after i’ve laid down, then again every hour after that. when my alarm starts bleating at five-thirty, i’m exhausted from trying to get back to sleep all night. i’ve stopped eating sugar. i’m eating oatmeal and salads and smoothies, but i guess i’m not giving my body the fuel it needs to repair itself. what else could it be?
i’ve been obsessed with how i’m going to manage post-op if/when i get my knee repaired. the very steep stairs won’t be conducive to crutches. christopher doesn’t drive, so how will i get to my doctor and physio appointments without being a burden to anyone or incurring giant taxi bills? i could go to the island, but then how do i see my doctor for follow ups?
i know this too shall pass. it’s not nearly so dire for me as it is for so many people today. i just feel it all today, every single bit of it and my camel’s back is creaking loudly.

hi. my name is Heather, and i haven’t had sugar in seven days.
“hi, Heather!”
well, i haven’t exactly had no sugar, if you really want to get all technical about it.
i slipped on Monday and had one of the dark chocolate peppermint patties my delightful boyfriend bought while waiting for the ferry home and so thoughtfully left at the apartment of the person who GAVE UP SUGAR FOR LENT! *sigh* he is an awesome boyfriend, but leaving those there was an evil, evil temptation. especially when i was in the middle of a disability crisis.
if it’s any consolation, that one peppermint patty — no matter how good it tasted going down — gave me the only headache i’ve had since i stopped eating overtly added sugars. just for that benefit, i’m totally sticking with the plan.
there have been other exceptions, as previously noted. the meaty spaghetti sauce i made was based on a jar of sauce which had sugar added, but it was in the pantry, so it’s within the rules. i added some ketchup to the hashbrowns i had for breakfast, lunch and dinner on Tuesday. the Ultimate Crunches i ate on the ferry were probably havens for hidden sugars, but i totally avoided the ketchup & relish i’d normally add to them! and, the bread i eat my PB-no-J on has sugar at the bottom of the ingredient list; but, i sent one of my extra loaves home with mom to get that much closer to replacing it with sugar-free bread.
i’m still trying to figure out what i’d order at Starbucks, though. especially since i don’t like unsweetened coffee products.
then came the kitchen clean out. that sweet chili sauce which has been taking up room in my fridge for the last three years (when i bought it at Costco), has finally been expunged. so have the three jars of pickles way past their expiry dates — ew. the sugary organic oatmeal packets i bought in hopes of actually acquiring a taste for the mushy cereal will be donated to someone who will actually eat them. Christopher’s yummy ginger drinks have gone back to his house since, despite their awesomeness, no one needs to drink something with FOUR DIFFERENT KINDS OF SUGARS listed in the ingredients. well, except him, it seems.
strangely, it seems both a much longer and a much shorter period of time i’ve been doing this. it’s not hard, exactly. i just spend a lot more time asking “does X have sugar in it?” than most normal people, but otherwise, it’s not much of a hassle. yet.
until i try to go to Starbucks!
p.s. just a reminder, this coming Saturday is the re-scheduled blood donation day for Kimli and i! how very exciting! unfortunately for me, Christopher will be unable to escort us, so i’m totally asking: who wants to come along to make sure i don’t pass out or die on my way home?

by the time you read this, i’ll be back at work. at my desk. for another fifteen years of forty-hour work weeks before i get three more weeks off in a row.
good thing i enjoyed this one, huh?