hi. my name is Heather, and i haven’t had sugar in seven days.
“hi, Heather!”
well, i haven’t exactly had no sugar, if you really want to get all technical about it.
i slipped on Monday and had one of the dark chocolate peppermint patties my delightful boyfriend bought while waiting for the ferry home and so thoughtfully left at the apartment of the person who GAVE UP SUGAR FOR LENT! *sigh* he is an awesome boyfriend, but leaving those there was an evil, evil temptation. especially when i was in the middle of a disability crisis.
if it’s any consolation, that one peppermint patty — no matter how good it tasted going down — gave me the only headache i’ve had since i stopped eating overtly added sugars. just for that benefit, i’m totally sticking with the plan.
there have been other exceptions, as previously noted. the meaty spaghetti sauce i made was based on a jar of sauce which had sugar added, but it was in the pantry, so it’s within the rules. i added some ketchup to the hashbrowns i had for breakfast, lunch and dinner on Tuesday. the Ultimate Crunches i ate on the ferry were probably havens for hidden sugars, but i totally avoided the ketchup & relish i’d normally add to them! and, the bread i eat my PB-no-J on has sugar at the bottom of the ingredient list; but, i sent one of my extra loaves home with mom to get that much closer to replacing it with sugar-free bread.
i’m still trying to figure out what i’d order at Starbucks, though. especially since i don’t like unsweetened coffee products.
then came the kitchen clean out. that sweet chili sauce which has been taking up room in my fridge for the last three years (when i bought it at Costco), has finally been expunged. so have the three jars of pickles way past their expiry dates — ew. the sugary organic oatmeal packets i bought in hopes of actually acquiring a taste for the mushy cereal will be donated to someone who will actually eat them. Christopher’s yummy ginger drinks have gone back to his house since, despite their awesomeness, no one needs to drink something with FOUR DIFFERENT KINDS OF SUGARS listed in the ingredients. well, except him, it seems.
strangely, it seems both a much longer and a much shorter period of time i’ve been doing this. it’s not hard, exactly. i just spend a lot more time asking “does X have sugar in it?” than most normal people, but otherwise, it’s not much of a hassle. yet.
until i try to go to Starbucks!
p.s. just a reminder, this coming Saturday is the re-scheduled blood donation day for Kimli and i! how very exciting! unfortunately for me, Christopher will be unable to escort us, so i’m totally asking: who wants to come along to make sure i don’t pass out or die on my way home?

7 Thoughts on “pour some sugar on me! not.

  1. When are you going? I may have some time on Saturday…

  2. Re: Starbucks – I order my latte with sugar-FREE syrup (vanilla, hazelnut, they have another flavour too).

  3. Well good for you!
    But, um… now I’m going to be singing that song all night! ;)

  4. I know this is going to be a shocking suggestion, but – why not order tea instead of coffee, or possibly just skill the starbucks altogether? My sister cut out Starbucks in order to retain her riding lessons. She considers it to have been a good trade.

  5. heather on March 5, 2009 at 19:33 said:

    shane – my appointment is at 3:10. i don’t yet know when kimli’s is. i guess i better get on that.
    brigette – i’ve given up sugar AND artificial sweeteners, so no fake syrup for me. =(
    victoria – my nefarious plan has borne fruit! mwahahaha!
    karl – i guess i could get a nice earl grey tea misto… luckily for me, i can drink tea in any form; but, coffee? it must be creamy & sweet (like me!). as for the money, i’ve vowed to only go to starbucks when i have a gift card to use or someone else is paying. ;)

  6. If I actually have to pay for a drink at Starbucks (hey, Jen works at my local, and she refuses to take my money) I usually get a tea. Black tea plus milk? Green? White?
    I applaud your sugar diet. It’s hard to avoid it, eh?

  7. heather on March 6, 2009 at 19:53 said:

    sugar is in almost EVERYTHING! stupid sugar.

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