i was supposed to go see the knee surgeon today.
unfortunately, two weeks ago i got a call that he wasn’t going to be in the office and could i come in in April instead? wha? not in the office? but, didn’t you make me an appointment? so, either he’s out playing squash or he’s down at that false creek clinic fixing someone’s knee who has the $8,000 to skip the line.
more unfortunately, as i’ve alluded to, friday night, after arriving at my mom’s place with Christopher in tow, crawling into bed ruined my knee after a record stretch of not much pain at all. i’ve been icing, medicating, limping and generally suffering for the last four days as a result.
i REALLY would have liked to see the surgeon today instead of four weeks from now.
due to the nature of my job and location of my office (no elevator), i’ve been at home the last two days. you know, being home isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when it hurts every time you try to do something. i can’t even clean the way i’d like to! and you know how much i like to clean.
meh. i guess i just felt like venting. i’m feeling kind of sorry for myself right now. i had a pretty good and active week last week and it felt really good. now, the thought of one-stepping down the stairs tomorrow morning to go back to the office fills me with dread.
well… at least i caught up on all my tv shows. that’s an accomplishment, right?

4 Thoughts on “pity parties suck.

  1. Mel on March 3, 2009 at 20:16 said:

    *hug* I had a similar experience with a specialist recently, and I agree…they suck. I’m also a bit appalled that your office isn’t accessible, but as you say, at least the Tivo got a good licking ;) Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  2. Ummm, my dear, your employer has a duty to accommodate you as a current injured worker with a physical disability. You do NOT have to do stairs and you do NOT have to skip work (unless: a) you did this voluntarily AND b) you have taken it as vacation and are getting paid for it).
    Email me if you want more info.

  3. Oh yeah…and I’m soooo sorry that you’re hurt!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I’m sorry to hear you got bumped for the appointment. I got bumped 3-4 times for the surgery, but that makes more sense since people like to throw themselves down mountains at inopportune times (which was my reason for needing knee surgery too).
    The surgery’s $8K? Wow. It only takes an hour or so. I can see people paying that, though, if they can, given the wait.
    I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer.

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