last night, i came home to a wad of grungy hair on the bathroom floor. seems my cats are clean freaks, too, and were very helpful by cleaning out the shower drain. i guess i’ll keep them if they’re insisting on being so handy around the house.
now, if only i could get them to learn how to wipe their feet before leaving the Booda Dome.
i’ve vacuumed my floors more in the last three weeks than i have in the last three years. why didn’t anyone tell me cats are so damn hairy? it’s taking a lot of self-control to not freak out about the fur and paper balls and bits of kitty litter and pieces of food all over my apartment now. but, my neat-freak impulses run deep, so i’ve ordered myself a Furminator off Amazon. it won’t be here until after the holidays (probably), but after discovering my duvet is already covered in cat, something had to be done. i don’t know if it will work, but it was a third of the price at the local pet stores, so i thought i’d give it a shot.
my search for the perfect cat furniture has turned into Project: Make a Thing. with the help of my dad, the kittens should have their own custom scratch-perch by the end of the week. i hope it turns out as awesome as i’ve imagined it; but, whatever. the price is turning out to be just right: practically free! i think the only thing i’ll have to pay for is the sisal rope for the scratching pillar. yay for handy dads and access to power tools and wood scraps!
p.s. i pulled out the little heater and turned it on full blast last night for over three hours and it only raised the temperature in the living room three degrees. ugh. i’ll be glad when this cold snap snaps back outta here. *brr*

5 Thoughts on “cats are the mother of invention

  1. Oh yes. Pet hair. It becomes a way of life.
    The dog furminator is great, if the cat one is as good, it’ll help. So will a daily swiffering (or similar) of floors. And we have very washable duvet covers.
    It also helps to just embrace the tumbleweeds.

  2. I could’ve told you where to get a furminator in town. I think I blogged about it years and years ago. End up with a whole second cat when I use it on Shebang.

  3. Anaximander on November 23, 2010 at 13:37 said:

    Furminators are awesome. So are Dyson Animals. Between the two, I could knit cat sweaters.

  4. Oh honey, you have no idea. I have seven of the lovable fur-beasts running around the place. I could build a new cat every day from the shed fur.

  5. Neat! I just ordered myself a furminator from ebay. Darwin has never been much of a problem, but with Bella being a giant fluff ball it’s become more of an issue :)

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