seems i suck at weekend blogging. sorry. i was too busy:
a) being cold
b) playing with cats
c) sleeping
d) freezing
e) being with awesome peoples
f) having hot showers in order to not freeze to death
g) eating amazing cheesecake
h) going to bed in order to combat both full moon malaise and the brr-cold
to blog about the goings on, of which, see the list above.
there are a lot of things i love about my apartment. of the less than five things i hate, the biggest has got to be that i don’t control the heat. it’s central to the building and has some magic setting that makes absolutely no sense and takes three to five days to react to whatever the outside temperature is. as a result, when winter SLAMS into town, my home is like a frozen winterland of shivering.
friday night, after dinner, dishes and chores were done, i was sitting on the couch with my kittens watching tv and i started to shiver so violently i got a headache. in order to combat the cold, i got in a blazing hot shower. so hot, i got a little woozy. it was blissful and burny and so very nice to be able to feel the searing in my fingertips. afterwards, i wrapped up in my towel, housecoat and buried myself under the duvet in bed in hopes of thwarting a return of the chill.
next i knew, it was 10:30 pm and i had no desire to wake up. ever. i hopped up and groggily turned off the lights, scooped the litter and went back to bed where it was warm and there were cats.
that kind of set the tone for the rest of the weekend.
other than some awesome potluck movie-time at Kimli’s saturday night and brunch & Main St. adventures with Colene & Christopher on sunday, there wasn’t a lot going on. except the mahjong. so. much. mahjong. seriously. i had tiles floating in my head as i fell asleep last night (after not getting dinner in time enough to fend off a grumpy low blood sugar headache and the chill set in so i, again, ended up in bed at 7:30pm just to keep the bad at bay).
anyway, rambly but cold. that’s what you get today. hi!

One Thought on “cold & sleepy

  1. We have a similar heating conundrum. I went and bought a little $70 oil heater at Canadian Tire in September and we leave it on set to 21. If the heat comes on, fine, it shuts itself off… If not, we don’t freeze solid. It’s AWESOME. And silent. And small. And has wheels! Highly recommended :)

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