the stanfield boxer-brief boy from upstairs is moving out, which means the one-bedroom suite in my building is available for rent. i passed up the chance to move into it last year, because i really did not have the money for it at the time. i’d pretty much decided to give up thinking about a new place until i got at least one visa paid off. but, this news combined with my typical spring fever has me considering a move upstairs.
okay, let’s go over the pros and cons, shall we?
more room! a bedroom! i can have people over and not worry about them soiling my bed with their dirty asses. it’s on the north corner of the building, so will be theoretically cooler in the summer. will still have a balcony (so can smoke). i will be able to buy a bed!!! i’ll get to stay in the same cool building. won’t need anyone’s truck to move. extra stairs to climb – good for quad strength. i’ll have room for a bed. bed. bed. bed. bed. bed. (sense a theme?)
moving upstairs is almost too annoying to contemplate (packing just to go upstairs? ick). i would be better off putting that extra $80/month against my debt. changing my address & utilites… just to amend the apartment number. hookup charges. i can’t really afford that glorious bed right now, and would end up sleeping on the futon. the kitchen is not even close to being as pretty as mine. extra stairs to climb – bad after a long day, or when hauling heavy groceries. i’ll lose my view except when peeking out the bedroom window.
ugh. yeah, i know. i’ll wait. i can wait. yup. i’ll just go commandeer jason’s bed once a month to sate my need for mattress appreciation. yeah. that’s a plan.

10 Thoughts on “decisions…

  1. Goddess on March 14, 2001 at 11:15 said:

    I would say stay where you are now.

  2. paige on March 14, 2001 at 11:54 said:

    and what are you doing hanging out with people that have dirty asses? Is MR. POOPYPANTS over there??!?!

  3. heather on March 14, 2001 at 11:59 said:

    thank god, no. but, we do have mr.anti-bathing at work. you do NOT want to be in the elevator with him, or even twenty minutes AFTER him. pew!

  4. scott on March 15, 2001 at 06:59 said:

    well, this is a bit of deja vu… something happen to your posts?

  5. heather on March 15, 2001 at 07:46 said:

    yeah, i deleted one.

  6. Does the other apartment allow Pandoras?? She could *really* use a rescue, Claudia’s been beating the shit out of her every chance she gets lately. And she fell off her window ledge napping place last night into the litterbox. I think that was just the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

  7. heather on March 15, 2001 at 12:34 said:

    aww! my little face-scratching fluffball!
    no, the other apartment doesn’t allow pandoras… same landlords. i wish i could take her, i really do!

  8. scott on March 15, 2001 at 14:38 said:

    why did you delete? hmmm? enquiring minds want to know?

  9. paige on March 15, 2001 at 19:50 said:

    yeah, i missed the post that you deleted, i think. what was it? please oh please oh please do tell!?!?!?!

  10. heather on March 16, 2001 at 09:10 said:

    no thanks. it’ll just get me in trouble. you’ll both just have to live with the mystery.

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