i totally agree with jan on this one. there are people who take the whole germ thing way too seriously. oh my god! you didn’t just rub that soap all over your body, did you? now i’ll have to get a new bar and just lather it in my hands first, which is the poper, sanitary way.
germs are necessary. think about all these little kids who are going to grow up with anti-bacterial everything, never having the chance to build any immunities to the tiniest of microbes. it’s going to be like walking into bubble boy’s house, cutting a slit in the plastic and watching him writhe about as his non-existant immune system feebly attempts to save his life.
that being said, my one and only germ related quirk is when dealing with raw chicken. i will admit to being anal about trying not to touch it and, if i do, washing immediately and thoroughly with a vast amount of dish soap and hot water. the same goes for any dishes or utensils it comes into contact with. i’m an anti-salmonella poster-girl.
you’re bigger than the germs, don’t be such a wuss.

3 Thoughts on “eww! you’ve got cooties!

  1. Goddess on March 14, 2001 at 09:10 said:

    Germs!!! Where!!???!!

  2. right here…
    *grabs a handful of goddess ass*

  3. paige on March 15, 2001 at 05:48 said:

    d-man is just a butt-grabbin fool!

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