jamie came over last night and we had a good, long catch-up, fried fish and dumbfounded viewing of Canada’s Worst Driver. it was fun times. the kittens were well-behaved – except for the leaping atop the table as we tried to eat our dinner. and, because he loves me best of all, he even gave me a gift card for a local pet store as a cat-warming present. how sweet is he? SO SWEET!
speaking of warm cats, i was thinking today that i might set up a heating pad for them while i’m away at work on cold days. my place is notorious for being never the right temperature and i’m worried that, as on a day like today, they’ll get too cold and freeze to death. frozen kitties are not cuddly nor playful. kittens must be kept warm. and, maybe i’ll leave a light on for them. and possibly the radio set to a nice soft rock station. one with lots of celine dion and barry manilow.
yeah, i’m obsessed. i looked down at their adorable little faces this morning and wondered why it took me so fucking long to get a cat. they’re so awesome. even when they’re not, they’re the best thing ever. soft, vibrating balls of sharp and love!
hey, do you know of anybody who doesn’t like Mad Men? i know, right? it’s the best TV ever. only crazy people don’t understand its brilliance. right, jamie? ;)

One Thought on “doo-be-doo

  1. I know that Darren Barefoot doesn’t get/like Mad Men. Other than him, I know I’m in the minority. And it’s not that I don’t like it, I just don’t get what all the fuss is about (other than about the set dec which is immaculate and the acting, which is mostly good). I’m still watching (treading through Season One) and hoping that I have an “aha” moment.

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