i will not write about cats. i will not write about cats. i will not write about cats.
so, um, how’s the time change treating you?
what about them bc lions, huh?
i finally watched Inception yesterday. i’m not sure why so many people i know either walked out of the theatre or turned it off partway. seriously, at the very least, i’d think they’d be curious to see what the fuck it was all about in the end. SPOILER ALERT: not that they would have gotten that satisfaction! i’m glad i saw it, but it wasn’t as mind-blowing as all that. i kept thinking “Total Recall” and looking for hookers with three boobs.
otherwise, yesterday was the longest day in the history of time. by noon, i was sure it should have been eight p.m. i’m not really complaining. i got a lot of time to play with cats and break out the 50mm lens to take detailed photos of their noses while they were sleeping. colene came over to visit them and ended up staying for indian food and the last 45-minutes of the aforementioned movie. kimli & ed also dropped by and gave me a solid thumbs-up on my choice of felines — they have three cats, so i respect their approval.
jamie’s coming over tonight for cats & Canada’s Worst Driver. meghan & mark are coming over tomorrow night. karen’s going to meet them on thursday afternoon. i think i might lock the door behind her and not let anyone else in. or, maybe i should charge admission! the wee beasties cost me a pretty penny. maybe i could recoup some of my start-up costs!
okay, that’s enough words for today. i’ve got twenty-two more days to go and i don’t want to blow my wad.
happy three-day week!

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