1. What vehicle do you drive?
a 1992 geo metro hatchback in competition blue.
2. How long have you had it?
eleven and a half years on october 30th.
3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
it’s little and i can park it anywhere and it got me across the rockies three times.
4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
it’s eleven and a half years old.
5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
if debt were no object, i’d be driving a mazda protege5. if money were no object, i’d be driving an audi tt.

3 Thoughts on “freitag fünf

  1. I find it admirable that you’ve gotten such use out of one car, over time. I kind of find it wasteful in all sorts of ways when people buy a new car every couple of years… Personally, I think there are better ways to spend my money than on having a new car. And I can’t even imagine having car payments – that seems like a drag to me. haha.
    I drive a 1991 Subaru with 155,000+ miles on it, and it’s been a pretty good car since I bought it over 2-1/2 years ago. When it finally kicks it (at, I’m hoping, past 300,000 miles), I’ll buy another decade old Subaru. If I did have lots of money to throw around (ie: could afford to buy a new car – cash outright – no car payments) – I would just drive it until it’s geriatric end anyway.
    Mind you, I’m the kind of person who “downgrades” clothes in my wardrobe. I wear something until it’s unpresentable in public… then I might wear it at home for leisure… then I would wear it for housework & get-dirty-work… and by that point it’s ready to be turned into rags, usually. And I should also add this also goes for articles of clothing I’ve bought at thrift shops. hahaha!!!

  2. fizzgig on October 6, 2003 at 02:35 said:

    huh. im not big on imports but that audi’s not a bad car. got a chance to drive one a while back. corners like its on rails, goes like stink. fun wheels that.

  3. The boyfriend has a Mini Cooper. Now THAT’S some fun. And surprisingly inexpensive for a brand new car.

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