the lovely doctor-to-be jen tagged me in this meme. i’m not sure if i can come up with more things to say about myself — i pretty much blew my wad with the 25 things kimli tagged me with. oh, what the hell. here goes!
The Rules
– Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
– Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
– Tag seven people at the end of your post. (uh…)
– Let them know they’ve been tagged. (hrm…)
1. i have a very bad memory for things i’ve written. for example: once i’ve written a letter or email to someone about something specific, it’s gone from my brain. if you reference the content in that missive later, odds are i won’t have a clear recollection of it. it occasionally makes for some awkward moments. strangely, i retain scholastic information best when having to write or re-write something i’m learning — just so long as i’m writing to get it IN, not OUT. yeah, my brain, she be screwy. i will forget the details of this post as soon after i click “publish”.
2. i rehearse conversations, out loud, while i’m trying to fall asleep at night. it’s probably just my means of unloading stuff from the day so i can shut my brain off, but it’s kind of embarrassing to admit to.
3. i’m a fantastic salesperson for your awesome creative creation, but when it comes to my stuff, i lack the confidence to market myself. i’ve been making magnet sets and photo cards and selling them (surprisingly well, actually) to co-workers, but i have absolutely no idea how to expand my market. i don’t want it to become a HUGE production because start-up costs are not in my budget, but i’d sure like to figure out how to sell a few every month to raise a little extra cash.
4. i feel guilty that i haven’t put nuts out on my balcony for the big fat squirrels all week. i hope i will remember to do that tonight (see #1).
5. the idea of spending one-on-one time with people makes me nervous. unless you’re my parent or boyfriend, there’s a chance i’ve had an episode of anxiousness before we meet to spend time together alone. i don’t know why, but i’m worried that if it’s just me and you, i won’t be able to hold up my end of the conversation.
6. i’ve had a crush on just about everyone i’ve ever met. sometimes they last for years, but usually only a minute or two.
7. if i can stick to my “money plan” (budget is a dirty word, even though used it up there in #3), i’ll pay off the bank 21 months early. twenty-one months! that kind of blows my mind.
sorry, this one was so tough i can’t bring myself to tag seven people to do it themselves. i’m just not that cruel! ;)

3 Thoughts on “ich habe sieben sachen hier

  1. Humm, sooo interesting. Aside from the rehearsing conversations and squirrels (because they scare the crap out of me) part, I can relate to all you have written.

  2. I enjoy that I made you blow your wad. :)

  3. Kimli: If Heather hadn’t blown her wad, #7 probably wouldn’t be necessary!

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