1. How would you describe your current mood? low. flat. resigned. tired. sick. bored. anxious.
 2. What are you wearing? new brown shirt with the daringly low neckline, used-to-be-black jeans, merrells with brown & black socks.
 3. What one thing do you NEED to get done today? last night’s dinner dishes.
 4. Do you do anything that consistently annoys the people around you? wow, were you eavesdropping last night? uh, yeah, saying i’m not hot enough for christopher.
 5. What did you have for breakfast? mini kit-kat bars & coffee.
 6. If someone told you that you could earn a million dollars this year as a spammer and NOT GET CAUGHT, would you do it? hell, yes.
 7. Are you good at arguing? not at all.
 8. Do you enjoy seafood? fishes, shrimps and crustaceans. not so much the shelled variety.
 9. Do you often say you “don’t like” certain foods, while really meaning that you’ve never tried them? not any more. i’m much more willing to try something new now than to immediately dismiss it.
10. What is your relationship with your television like? we’re like ex-lovers who tried to be friends, but still end up sleeping together once in a while anyway and feeling like shit about it the next day.
11. Do you eat enough fruit? not at all.
12. Did you know I was going on a work boat cruise tonight? nope. don’t fall overboard.
13. Do you believe the boat will sink? i seriously doubt that.
14. Do you have any weird health fears (Microwaving styrofoam gives you cancer, eating cherries and drinking water will make your stomach explode, etc.)? i used to think eating apple seeds would make an apple tree grow in my stomach and its branches would come out of my ears and nose and mouth. now… i’m resigned to the fact that everything we do will eventually kill us, so there’s little point in worrying yourself do death about it. heh. irony. cool.
[thanks meg fowler]

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