dammit, just as i was trying to get new message opened up in gmail so i could write down this awesome and witty idea i had for a post, i got bombarded by interruptions. what i’m left with is an unsatisfying creative itch i can’t scratch. grr.
so, i’ll just haircut blog about my mini-vacation instead:
– dropped car off at mechanic, ate butter chicken with boyfriend.
– took ferry to Nanaimo, paid $1.49 for a banana.
– drove to Victoria with mom, wasn’t allowed to go to yard sales on the way.
– ate junk, watched tv, tried to entice cats to sit on my lap. repeat for three days.
– went shopping, bought new good jeans (as opposed to my new crappy jeans).
– drove to sooke, visited with the lovely Mrs. Nixon, petted Piper, ate fish’n’chips
– unsuccessfully stalked Jim, got chatted up by an 80 year old motor head.
– took ferry to Tswwassen, got picked up by Colene the awesome.
– slept in own bed (bliss), bathed with bubbles, picked up car, went to Walmart, ate a Fat Burger.
all in all, it was a very restful and relaxing five day vacation. i’m not big on the travelling part of travel, but i usually do enjoy myself once i’ve arrived.

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