1. Your mood this morning (afternoon, evening, etc… )?
  – sleepy, sore, glad to be away from work.
 2. The mood around you?
  – quiet, empty. i’m home alone.
 3. The state of your current surroundings (messy, tidy, serene, sterile, etc… )?
  – messy, to me. neat to others.
 4. The primary thought in your head right now?
 5. One thing you’re concerned about?
  – money.
 6. One thing you are most definitely NOT concerned about?
  – who jessica simpson is sleeping with.
 7. Your mother’s middle name?
  – mae
 8. The last thing you ate?
  – chicken fried rice.
 9. The last thing you really WANTED to eat but couldn’t/didn’t?
  – anything with french fries.
10. One really brilliant quote?
  – “boys are yucky. throw rocks at them.”
11. One thing you wish you could do right this moment?
  – have a nap.
12. Can you actually go and do that thing?
  – if i didn’t want to sleep tonight.
13. Reality Shows: love or despise?
  – love.
14. Celebrity magazines: love or despise?
  – despise.
15. CNN: love or despise?
  – meh. the ticker distracts me. do you want me to read or listen?
16. Do you follow any sports?
  – only my hockey team. go canucks go!
17. Can you swim?
  – i didn’t sink the last time i tried. that was a very long time ago, though.
18. Can you sing?
  – i like to think so.
19. Do you drink coffee?
  – i would take it intravenously if i could.
thanks for the distraction, meg.

One Thought on “i’m a sucker for a questionnaire

  1. I have a packet of gum with the quote from #10 on it.
    On the side it says “Remember to aim”

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